Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ms Melancholy - 20 points
trousers - 12 points
Caroline - 12 points
Maht - 3 points
Clare - 2 points
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Left Hand Only
Brumcunian - 128 points
Right Hand Only
Lavenderblue - 70 points
Brumcunian - 50 points
But Why? - 35 points
Trousers - 208 points
Brumcunian - 188 points
Sheepish - 121 points
D-W - 61 points
Drak - 688 points
Trousers - 348 points
But Why? - 200 points
Brumcunian - 199 points
Badger - 156 points
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It looks as though your cat is covering her eyes and counting during a game of hide and seek. Cats are very good at hide and seek. Natural hunters, you know.
I repeat my comment from before about some animals being very sweet when they sleep.
sooooooo cute.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, too sweet - especially the cat's arms. A lesson in perfect relaxation.
Oh, Ruby looks so perfect. I am sad that I am allergic to dogs. And Ophelia is melancholic that you have called her after Shakespeare's most melancholic heroine. But very beautiful nonetheless.
First of all ... for clarification, that is Frank and not Ophelia :) Frank is Badger's baby. Confused? Yes ... hmmm...
Maht - thanks for whispering! My cats do play hide and seek with the dog ... they always win.
Caroline - thanks, they say the same about you ;)
Natalie - Cat arms, I like it. Yes, soooo relaxed.
Ms M - I am confident that you won't be allergic to Ruby. She has very short fur, like velvet really. And she promises not to shed any :)
Ophelia loves her name. She considers herself a tragic but beautiful heroine ...
Now. Having taught Hamlet for the last few weeks, I now have some issues with Ophelia.
And can I also add that I recognised that Frank wasn't Ophelia! Can I have a gold star? Please.
Caroline - A gold star for you!
I have to admit that my own ophelia is more than a little insane. And possibly prone to dramatic suicidal gestures in honour of her namesake - she likes to climb on to the tops of doors and then squeals and squeals to be rescued - purring madly when you reach up and pull her to safety.
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. aw! CUTE OVERLOAD!
lovely pictures. they have made my day.
Beautiful and elegant though your lady cat is, if Hamlet's Ophelia had been half as bonkers as yours, Stray, the play would never have got past "Get thee to a nunnery". The battlements of Elsinore in Act I, Scene I would have been packed with ghosts.
That said, upon seeing the picture of an impossibly gorgeous kitten (now known to be Frank - come on people, the colouring and patterning are all wrong for Ophelia!) I did for a moment fear whether some ill fate may have befallen your dear cat.
Ms M... tut tut. Confusing Ophelia with Frank. You've not been doing your blogging homework. Next you'll be thinking I'm straight and that Badger is a real badger.
PSB - Why thank you. Making you happy makes my life worthwhile ;)
Ben - Would you believe Frank won "cutest kitten" from the RSPCA? He's actually a right little sod, as Badger will testify. He lives outside half the time and only comes in to eat ... typical boy!
Brum - Badgers is a real Badger! Shhh! You'll upset Caroline saying things like that ...
Oh bugger. Of course, Ophelia is a beautiful Persian, who is happy to be melancholy. I do apologise. But Brum, my darling, your picture is a dead giveaway. You are made of bricks and like other men who are also made of bricks. And Badger is actually a Badger. I know that for a fact. Now don't upset Caroline.
Oh Frank is so Hollywood, "No Photos!"
"Frank" is a great cat name. "Ophelia" is a bit ... you know, poncey. Does she have a Prada basket? No wonder she's a tad insane. I blame the parents.
Cats should have sensible names, like mine: Gerald, Nelly, Molly, Rosie and Holly. I never felt silly shouting "GERALD! Here boy, puss puss" out the back door. Oh no.
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