Shades of Blue and Green

The title to this post is taken from the title track of a wonderful album recorded by Lorraine Craig with the National Youth Jazz Orchestra (NYJO).
This song, with it's hot-chocolate smooth sweet vocal, is a regular contributor to the continuous-play soundtrack in my head. My little internal DJ, my psychic iPod, always set to shuffle.
It has a sense of humour. It likes to surprise me, and occasionally it tries to force its way forward into my speech - dares me to respond to a question, or complete a sentence, with one of my favourite lyrics.
I am still in awe of my Dad, who, once, in a Very Important Meeting, heard a colleague say "And the question is ... " and found himself responding out loud with the only appropriate answer ...
Can this white man sing the blues?
Beautiful photos. Where were they taken?
They make me long to be in England, for a little while, at least.
They were taken in The Chantries, on Monday, with Ruby. The whole woods is carpeted in bluebells - it's indescribable.
What is your inner soundtrack like Caroline? Do you have one?
Today I am hearing The Pixies ..
Hey jj - lovely to see you :)
Yes, it is so beautiful at the moment. Blossom and flowers and bluebells and the leaves are translucent and we have PJ Tips in every corner shop :)
It is wonderful!
Ohhh, groany noises. I do love it here, and I don't just tell anyone this, but it is too too, HOT. Sometimes I long for a bit of chilly England. (I think people might hate me if I grumble about the heat.)
We can get Marmite here now, but not PG Tips still, so sad.
Marmite is evil. Do not bring it to my blog again ;)
You can come back soon. We have global warming now and it is never really cold her any more!
Hi Stray
I love bluebells, the ones up here are not quite out yet, (we don't have as much global warming!). I grew up next to Loch Lomond, there were tons. For me, bluebells = childhood.
Oh nmj, I love loch lomond. I go bouncing up hills with my dog round Glen Coe sometimes. We're off to Suilvan, proper north, in the summer. Heaven.
Yes, you're a few degrees behind but it's definitely on the up - I had a whole week of sunshine in september in Fort William last year! Bizarre :)
Bluebells remind me of being a kid too. I've never seen them in these numbers before - there's acres and acres as far as you can see ...
Your dad sounds fab. It's a great quote. And very beautiful pictures. Bluebells also remind me of childhood - wandering on my own through the woods as a small child. I don't think I would let my child wander alone through the woods, and that makes me feel quite sad.
Hello Ms M, yes, it's sad ... and saddest of all that actually there is no difference at all in the level of safety or the murder rate or anything - we are safer now than we have ever been in our lives ... but people feel at risk, that their kids are at risk.
I worry that then people really will be at risk, because learning to assess and manage risk as children is key to being able to handle dangers as adults. I doubt you are that over protective though :) And you lead the way yourself - riding your bike with no hands indeed! How are the knees?
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