
I gasped ...
as Badger handed me the package.
She was grinning. And driving. Mostly grinning.
There was a tiny sticker on the back. It said "Caroline Smailes".
I s q u e e e e e z e d the envelope gently.
I turned it over and tore open the back.
Badger said "No! Wait til we get home!"
So. I waited. (I am not good at waiting).
And then. A ♥ pink heart ♥ slipped out ...
And two tiny tiny perfectly wrapped presents!
The badges.
The beautiful badges.
We are wearing them! And smiling.
Badger says she will wear it always. I suspect that tonight she will wear hers on her pajamas. (she will).
And I cannot wait, for the first person to ask - "Adam? Adam who?"
Thankyouverymuch Caroline.
(And so far 76 people have put their pins on the map! Amazing!)
I love you and I love Badger.
Really I do.
I wrapped every badge individually.
I think it is sooooooo cool that you're wearing them.
(*whisper* if badger wears them in her pjs ... please email me a photo)
We love you too!
I can't believe you have wrapped nearly 100 badges individually! You are sooooo patient!
I will certainly take a pic of badger and a badge at pajama time :)
I have my badge on. Yes, yes I do.
What is this talk of PAjamas??
I dont understand.. I wear Pyjamas. Am I wrong. Probably.
Bless you for wrapping all the badges. That is very sweet. My mum wrapped my birthday gifts in bath towels this year. I did not even get to keep the towels. rubbish.
Badger x
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