Hospital view

Teddy sent via the florist by my Mum and Dad, Lucozade courtesy of lovely Badger.
I am home now :) And sooooo glad that I didn't do that 'brave', stoical thing of simply reappearing here in a few weeks time and making some casual off-the-cuff references to having been 'a bit unwell'.
I have been surrounded by virtual flowers, covered in cyber hugs and kisses and had some very lovely chats with digital visitors to my bedside. It was the least miserable hospital visit I've ever had, and that was almost entirely down to the fact that I felt so cared about by all my lovely blog friends :) Also, the nurses were amazing. Really, really ultra lovely. Having been in London hospitals, I thoroughly recommend moving to the suburbs before you get seriously ill!
I feel quite ok about returning on the 9th of May to be delved around in, knowing that between visiting hours I shall still have plenty of company :)
I feel all warm and fuzzy about the whole thing, and I'm pretty sure that's not going to wear off with the pain killers!
Thank you :)
Labels: being not ok is ok, hospital, visitors
Hugs sweetie.
Welcome home.
A few more to take home :-) & Thanks for letting us in this time!
thank you thank you :)
rooooooobeeeeee (Caroline's name for ruby) was soooo pleased to see me :)
It's a shame they don't allow doggy visitors on the wards!
You're home! Hooray!
I hope you begin to feel a bit better. So, can you go back to work between now and going back to hospital or are you on official bed rest?
Take care
Welcome home, hon. I enjoyed my hospital visits. You were too lovely, even when in such pain xxx
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